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Our Trust of Schools


We at Lipson Cooperative Academy believe that our school uniform should be worn with pride. It gives a sense of belonging and stops students coming to school in clothes which are unsuitable.

Our uniform supplier is Plymouth Schoolwear located on Mayflower Street, Plymouth.

Plymouth Schoolwear are open Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm every week, which gives plenty of time to purchase uniform ready for September.

Plymouth Schoolwear have created an online shop for parents and carers who would prefer this method. Items can be delivered direct to your home (+ delivery fee) or collected in store. They cannot be delivered to the school.

Below is a summary of the uniform required for a new student joining in September, these items can be viewed by clicking this link - Lipson Uniform


Academy uniform (required)

Where to purchase

Lipson blazer

Plymouth Schoolwear only

Lipson tie

Plymouth Schoolwear only

Blue shirt (long or short sleeve)

Plymouth Schoolwear

Any supermarket 

Grey trousers

Plymouth Schoolwear

Any supermarket 

Bespoke Lipson skirt

Plymouth Schoolwear only 

Lipson V-neck jumper (optional)

Plymouth Schoolwear

Any supermarket 


PE uniform 

Where to purchase

Lipson PE t-shirt (required)

Plymouth Schoolwear only 

Lipson PE bottoms (required)

Plymouth Schoolwear only

Lipson PE training top (optional but advised in winter)

Plymouth Schoolwear only

Navy football socks (optional)

Any sports shop

White sport socks (optional)

Any sports shop or supermarket

Trainers (required)

Any sports shop


School shoes have to be black and polishable, not canvas/suede or with bubbles in the sole. We have included images of what is and isn’t suitable for Lipson students in Year 7-11 in our families handbooks

For all other queries regarding uniform, jewellery, piercings, hair, nails and make-up please see our families handbooks

Of course whenever you are uncertain about the suitability of any purchases or any questions to do with uniform please don’t hesitate to contact In addition to this, keeping any receipts of purchases would be sensible if there are any problems around suitability according to our uniform policy.